Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Obama Puppet King

Dear President Obama,

I often think about what a challenging job you have as President (aka King of America). Often, Congress ties your hands and I bet you get a lot of pressure from BIG OIL and BIG MONEY to make choices that you would not make if you could pull your own strings.

I am an amateur puppeteer myself and have made several marionettes over the years. It is amazing to watch them dance, move and bow to MY command.

My heart goes out to you as you make every hard choice and decision in regard to the environment. I wouldn't want to be King (or even Queen for a Day).

I know it's impossible to please everyone and I know you have serious concerns about the XL Pipeline, and the long-term effects of fracking. The Mayflower disaster in Arkansas on March 29th, 2013 was a bit TOO close to home. As you know an Exxon pipeline ruptured and spilled over 5,000 barrels of tarry oil. Many children got sick and home values plummeted! It is an environmental disaster.

I read that according to Federal data there is a significant pipeline spill in the U.S. on the average of EVERY 3 DAYS!  Wow that is staggering.

Don't let those Exxon BIG OIL puppet masters of the universe PULL YOUR STRINGS. Cut them loose!  Please and Thank you!


1 comment:

  1. Talk about close to home! That's putting a little fire under that puppet's feet...even if friendly fire! Thanks, Donna, for this brilliant outpouring of compassionate entreaties for right action from the president.
