Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Obama Wild Things

Dear President Obama,

Theologian Thomas Berry said, "The planet will never be so beautiful and abundant again...the Cenozoic Era that we are leaving behind, was when Earth was most lyrical, songbirds, flowering plants and GREAT families of mammals flourished. At this peak of beauty and richness humankind came. We are now responsible for the extinction of ONE OUT OF TEN species that we know of."   STAGGERING!

I used to read WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE to my son almost every night. Our Ozarks used to be home to countless WILD THINGS that are almost gone. (Maybe they hopped in a little boat and sailed away for a year and a day?) Maybe we need to change the name of the book to WHERE ARE THE WILD THINGS?

I know YOU are aware of a book called Moral Ground by Kathleen Dean Moore because YOU, Desmond Tutu and Sheila Watt-Cloutier (former chair of the Inuit Circumpolar Council) made POWERFUL arguments about our MORAL obligation in the face of climate change.  I have only read the interview about it and look forward to the book and what you had to say!   LET THE WILD RUMPUS BEGIN!

Wildly Yours,
One Worried Mom

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