Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Obama Traffic Cop

Dear President Obama,

Please put the BRAKES on Climate Change! You are like the TRAFFIC COP of the U.S.  You have the power to make great changes and find solutions to reducing the carbon load to 350! 

BUT YOU NEED TO SAY  STOP to all the interests that are saying FULL SPEED AHEAD.

Our planet can only take so much abuse!

I know I keep pointing the finger at YOU Mr. President but WE ALL NEED TO STAND UP and USE OUR VOICES...you can't do it ALONE...if you knew that all us WORRIED MOM'S were shouting, you might have more strength.

Here is a CHALLENGE to any WORRIED MOM (or Dad, or Grandma, or Grandpa or Aunt or Uncle or Friend) that might be reading this blog....I ask them to write you a letter as well.  Not an EMAIL...but a REAL HEARTFELT acoustic LETTER! 

Here is the address to send it to:
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW
Washington, DC  20500

Sincerely yours,
aka Donna Stjerna

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