Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Obama Spaceman

Dear President Obama,

I'm always amazed that we can put a man on the moon but we can't create a vehicle that doesn't pollute our planet!  That is one of my favorite rants.

A conversation that erupts in groups now and then about this subject is the notion that MANY HEALTHY car inventions have come down the pike only to be bought out by big oil money.

Not sure if this is fact but it sure seems plausible, we personally know several folk musician who are touring the country with 'veggie wagons' (vans outfitted with engines that run on spent french fry oil from McDonalds and such).  

One of our favorite documentaries of modern times is WHO KILLED THE ELECTRIC CAR?  It poses many unanswerable questions  and allows us to draw our own conclusions.  BUT if it is TRUE we can build a better that doesn't require the burning of coal or fracking, maybe solar run...I believe that would be the BIGGEST STEP FOR MANKIND!  America could step into this new frontier FIRST!!!  Be the FIRST to create a totally GREEN automobile that is AFFORDABLE for all folks. (Remember when the VW bug first hit the scene...a car for the PEOPLE.)


One Worried Mom

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